White Paper: The Seven Faces of Dr. “Class”

The Seven Faces of Dr. “Class”: Part 1

“Class” is a heavily overloaded term in computer science. Many technologies have implemented the concept slightly differently. In this paper we look at the sum total of concepts that might be implemented under the banner of “class” and then later we’ll look at how different technologies have implemented subsets.

The seven facets are:

  • Template
  • Set
  • Query
  • Type
  • Constraint
  • Inclusion
  • Elaboration


One aspect of a class is to act as a “template” or “cookie cutter” for creating new instances. This is also called a “frame” based system, where the template sets up the frame in which the slots (properties) are defined. In the simplest case, say in relational where we define a table with DDL (Data Definition Language) we are essentially saying ahead of time what attributes a new instance (tuple) of this class (table) can have. Object Oriented has this same concept, each instance of a class can have the attributes as defined in the class and its superclasses.


A class can be seen as a collection of all the instances that belong to the set. Membership could be extensional (that is instances are just asserted to be members of the class) or intensional (see below under the discussion about the inclusional aspect). In the template aspect, it’s almost like a caste system, instances are born into their class and stay there for their lifetime. With set-like classes an instance can be simultaneously members of many sets. One of the things that is interesting is what we don’t say about class membership. With sets, we have the possibility that an instance is either provably in the set, provably not in the set, or satisfiably either.


Classes create an implied query mechanism. When we create instances of the Person class, it is our expectation that we can later query this class and get a list of the currently know members of the class. In Cyc classes are called “collections” which reflect this idea that a class is, among other things, a collection of its members. A system would be pretty useless if we couldn’t query the members of a class. We separate the query facet out here to shine a light on the case where we want to execute the query without previously having defined the class. For instance if we tag photos in Flickr with a folksonmy, and someone later wants to find a photo that had a combination of tags, a class, in the traditional sense was not created, unless you consider that the act of writing the query is the act of creating the class, and in which case that is the type of class we’re talking about here. This is primarily the way concept like taxonomies such as SKOS operate: tags are proxies for future classes.


Classes are often described as being types. But the concept of “type” despite being bandied about a lot is rarely well defined. The distinction we’re going to use here is one of behavior. That is, it is the type aspect that sets up the allowable behavior. This is a little clearer in implementations that have type and little else, like xsd. It is the xsd type “date” that sets up the behavior for evaluating before or after or concurrent. And it is the polymorphism of types in object oriented that sets up the various behaviors (methods) that an object can respond to. It is the “typeness” of a geographicalRegion instance that allows us to calculate things like its centroid and where the overlap or boundary is with another geographicalRegion. We rarely refer to the class of all items that have xsd:date as if it were a collection, but we do expect them to all behave the same.


Constraints are generally implemented as “guards” and prevent noncompliant instances from being persisted. There is no reason that the constraints need to be associated with the classes, they could easily be written separately and applied to instances, but many implementations do package constraints with the class definition, for two reasons: one the constraints are naturally written in and lexically tied to the cl ass definition and the other is just for packaging around the concept of cohesion. The constraint can be a separate language (as with OCL the Object Constraint Language) or may be an extension to the class definition (as ranges and foreign key constraints are in relational).


That is, inclusion criteria. This is for classes that support inference, and are the rules that determine whether an instance is a member of the class, or whether all members of a class are necessarily members of another class. It also includes exclusion criteria, as they are just inferred membership in the complement. While it is conceivable to think of the “open world” without inclusion criteria, it really comes to the fore when we consider inclusion criteria. Once we have rules of inclusion and exclusion from a set, we have set up the likelihood that we will have many instances that are neither provably members or provably not members, hence “satisfiability.”


Elaboration is what else can be known about an item once one knows its class membership. In Object Oriented you may know things about an instance because of the superclasses it is also a member of, but this is a very limited case: all of this elaboration was known at the time the instance was created. With more flexible systems, as an instance creates new membership, we know more about it. For instance, let’s say we use a passport number as evidence of inclusion in the class of Citizens, and therefore the class of People, we can know via elaboration that the passport holder has a birthday (without knowing what their birthday is). To the best of our knowledge, there is no well supported language and or environment that supports all these facets well. As a practical consequence designers select a language implement the aspects that are native and figure out other strategies for the remaining facets. In the next installment of this series, we will examine how popular environments satisfy these aspects, and what we need to do to shore up each.

Click here to read part 2. 

Written by Dave McComb