White Paper: The Enterprise Ontology

At the time of this writing almost no enterprises in North America have a formal enterprise ontology. Yet we believe that within a few years this will become one of the foundational pieces to most information system work within major enterprises. In this paper, we will explain just what an enterprise ontology is, and more importantly, what you can expect to use it for and what you should be looking for, to distinguish a good ontology from a merely adequate one.

What is an ontology?

An ontology is a “specification of a conceptualization.” This definition is a mouthful but bear with me, it’s actually pretty useful. InEnterprise Ontology general terms, an ontology is an organization of a body of knowledge or, at least, an organization of a set of terms related to a body of knowledge. However, unlike a glossary or dictionary, which takes terms and provides definitions for them, an ontology works in the other direction. An ontology starts with a concept. We first have to find a concept that is important to the enterprise; and having found the concept, we need to express it in as precise a manner as possible and in a manner that can be interpreted and used by other computer systems. One of the differences between a dictionary or a glossary and ontology is, as we know, dictionary definitions are not really processable by computer systems. But the other difference is that by starting with the concept and specifying it as rigorously as possible, we get definitive meaning that is largely independent of language or terminology. Then the definition states that an ontology is a “specification of a conceptualization.” That is what we just described. In addition, of course, we then attach terms to these concepts, because in order for us humans to use the ontology we need to associate the terms that we commonly use.

Why is this useful to an enterprise?

Enterprises process great amounts of information. Some of this information is structured in databases, some of it is unstructured in documents or semi structured in content management systems. However, almost all of it is “local knowledge” in that its meaning is agreed within a relatively small, local context. Usually, that context is an individual application, which may have been purchased or may have been built in-house. One of the most time- and money-consuming activities that enterprise information professionals perform is to integrate information from disparate applications. The reason this typically costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time is not because the information is on different platforms or in different formats – these are very easy to accommodate. The expense is because of subtle, semantic differences between the applications. In some cases, the differences are simple: the same thing is given different names in different systems. However, in many cases, the differences are much more subtle. The customer in one system may have an 80 or 90% overlap with the definition of a customer in another system, but it’s the 10 or 20% where the definition is not the same that causes most of the confusion; and there are many, many terms that are far harder to reconcile than “customer.” So the intent of the enterprise ontology is to provide a “lingua franca” to allow, initially, all the systems within an enterprise to talk to each other and, eventually, for the enterprise to talk to its trading partners and the rest of the world.

Isn’t this just a corporate data dictionary or consortia of data standards?

The enterprise ontology does have many similarities in scope to both a corporate data dictionary and consortia data standard. The similarity is primarily in the scope of the effort: both of those initiatives, as well as enterprise ontologies, aim to define the shared terms that an enterprise uses. The difference is in the approach and the tools. With both a corporate data dictionary and a consortia data standard the interpretation and use of the definitions is strictly by humans, primarily system designers. Within an enterprise ontology, the expression of the ontology is such that tools are able to interpret and make inferences on the information when the system is running.

Download the White-paper to Read More.

Written by Dave McComb

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