Introduction to FIBO Quick Start

We have just launched our “FIBO Quick start” offering.  If you are in the financial industry you likely have heard about the Financial Industry Business Ontology, which has beenFIBO championed by the EDM Council, a consortium of virtually the entire who’s who of the financial industry. We’ve been helping with FIBO almost since its inception, and more recently Michael Uschold has be co-leading the mortgage and loan ontology development effort.  Along the way we’ve done several major projects for financial clients, and have reduced what we know to a safe and quick approach to adopting semantics in the financial sector. We have the capacity to take on one more client in the financial space, so if you’re interested, by all means contact us.

FIBO Quick Start: Developing Business Value Rapidly with Semantics

The Financial Industry Business Ontology is nearing completion. As of June 2016, nine major financial institutions have joined the early adopter program. It is reasonable to expect that in the future all Financial Industry participants will have aligned some of their systems with FIBO. Most have focused their initial projects on incorporating the FIBO vocabulary. This is a good first step and can jump start a lot of compliance work.

But the huge winners, in our opinion, will be the few institutions that see the potential and go all-in with this approach. For sixteen years, we have been working with large enterprises who are interested in adopting semantic technology. Initially, our work focused on architecture and design as firms experimented with ways to incorporate these new approaches. More recently, we have been implementing what we call the “data-centric approach” to building semantically-centered systems in an agile fashion.

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