Do Data Lakes Make My Enterprise Look Data-Centric?

Dave McComb discusses data lakes, schema, and data-centricity in his latest post on the Data Centric Revolution for The Data Administration Newsletter. Here’s a brief excerpt to pique your interest:The Data-Centric Revolution: Implementing a Data-Centric Architecture

“I think it is safe to say that there will be declared successes in the Data Lake movement. A clever data scientist, given petabytes of data to troll through, will find insights that will be of use to the enterprise. The more enterprising will use machine learning techniques to speed up their exploration and will uncover additional insights.

But in the broader sense, we think the Data Lake movement will not succeed in changing the economics or overall architecture of the enterprise. In a way, the Data Lake is something to do instead of dealing with the very significant problems of legacy ecosystems and dis-economics of change.

Even at the analytics level, where the Data Lake has the most promise, we think it will fall short…

Conceptually, the Data Lake is not far off from the Data Centric Revolution. The data does have a more central position. However, there are three things that a Data Lake needs in order to be Data Centric…”

Click here to read the entire article.


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