
What is Data-Centric?

Our Video and Web Resource Library of all things Data-Centric.

What is Data-Centric?

It’s the opposite of application centric. Data is at the center with applications built around it.

Fundamentally, this data centric architecture is a mindset shift. At its core it acknowledges data’s valuable and versatile role in the larger enterprise and industry ecosystem and treats information and seamless knowledge sharing as a core asset.

Organizations are moving towards data eco-systems like Data Fabric and Data Mesh. Data-centric concepts serve as the foundational building blocks.

Three of our most popular videos to educate further

What is “Data-Centric”?

Dave McComb
Semantic Arts

A Business Case Demo for Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph

Mark Wallace
Senior Ontologist, Semantic Arts

Thomas Cook
Sales Director, AnzoGraph DB

Data-Centric Transformation

Brian Platz
Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Fluree

Dave McComb
Semantic Arts

What Industries are Implementing?

Every industry could benefit from dissolving information silos, reducing systems complexity while radically lowering integration debt.

Stories of Data-Centric adoption






Resources to Further Explore the Power of Knowledge Graphs

A place to learn from the innovators of the data-centric community.

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